After yesterday's post, Patrick posed the question: "Can you share why you chose that tattoo in that location?"
So I'll answer...
I chose this particular tattoo more than a year ago - I don't remember the circumstances or timeframe, only that it's been printed out and sitting in many locations around my daily life. Most prominently on my desk at work. I wager this concept is the standard advice to most anyone that is considering a tattoo. I've thought of tattoos for years upon years, much like I thought about my motorcycle. I weighed it's impact on my life, I talked with people that had them regarding it's impact on them, where they had it done, etc.
I do know that when the idea of 'know thyself' came to me, I didn't want it to be in English... perhaps because I'm exposed to the Roman alphabet all the time, I wanted to do it in some other alphabet. After a little time with the idea, it only made sense to be in Greek.
The placement - on my chest - was the second choice. I knew that I wanted it to be in a place where I could see it and be reminded of the concept. (To truly know oneself is to know the universe) I initially considered my inside-forearm, but after a few conversations I discovered that it could have a negative impact on a lot of relationships, especially professionally. That and I could not commit to the idea of always wearing long sleeve shirts like a friend with full tattoo sleeves has. From the forearm came the chest. My thigh was considered, but didn't seem to be quite as good a location for being reminded of something.
Even having made these decisions months and months ago, I never committed - never talked to an artist, etc. Once PCP came along, though, I knew that the program would shake / shape my foundations such that I'd have a clearer picture of myself. This program, combined with my therapy sessions, have changed me in innumerable ways over the past year or so. I know that I'll continue to grow, continue be challenged, but I want to mark the occasion with something significant.
Of course, amongst all these things Susan was a consistent - we talked about the message, the meaning, and the placement. She's been supportive and plans on going along with me to the studio. It'll be interesting to see how long she sticks around - either she'll be a geek about the process (plenty of similarities to nursing, what with bio-medical prep, etc) or she'll focus on my pain which will eat her alive.
I haven't shared with a wide audience that I'm doing this - still unsure how everyone will react. But this isn't about others, it's about me... that's why I put it someplace I can actually see it. :)
I think chest tats are pretty rad, good locations, and you can still see it whenever your want but hidden from the professionals for the most part.
ReplyDeleteI got my tattoo over my heart to remind me as well. It's a good placement, and it's really only for me (and my wife, for that matter). Just remember - you don't have to tell anyone about the tattoo if you don't want to. People are going to have their own preconceptions about who you are, what a tattoo is, blah blah blah. People will judge - However, your message really encapsulates what really matters. It's a good message.
Just don't be phased by the pain - it's uncomfortable, but not horrible. Between you and me (and the rest of the Internet) - I actually enjoyed mine. Just because it reminded me of the decision I was making, and how resolved I was to stick to going through with it.
I'd like to get another, but again not just for the sake of having one, but one that is meaningful. Just haven't come up with what that will be. It took me three years to decide on the last one.
I never liked anything enough to put it on my body forever. I guess meaningful text is better than Wolverine huh?
ReplyDeleteThe chest is a great place for a tatt, unless you are as hairy as me. I had one 15 years back now on my upper left arm and it is concealable even with t-shirts. I love the thought you put into this one. It's important.