Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I'm feeling a little rough at the moment...

The time management component of PCP is really beginning to bite me in the back-side.  Part of this is associated with the return from vacation and trying to get back into our normal routine, which is relatively busy...  having a nearly 3-year old that needs to get back and forth to day care makes the mornings and afternoons extra fun.  Combine that with Susan's job as a nurse that has really strict working schedules plus the fact that she's coming to the end of a intense training program.

We did the recommended "buy a lot of veggies and prepare them" thing on Sunday, but it hasn't helped with our dinners because we haven't pre-prepped our proteins.  I keep thinking I'll get a bunch of chicken put together, but I just haven't had the energy or time to do that amongst all the other stuff.  All I wanted to do last night was go to bed, but I needed to slog through getting breakfast and lunch weighed out first.

I'm now sitting in an 'enclave' at work to avoid all the people that walk up to my desk throughout the day, hoping not to let my grumpiness fly out at them.  I really want to go out for lunch and eat something other than what I carried in today, which is an old problem that I have to tackle - almost any time I bring my lunch, I want, more than ever before, something else.

The exercise has been reasonable, but my jumps aren't getting too much smoother.  My first set of 100 or so are really trippy, the middle sets are okay, and then I get tired and trippy to wrap it up.  Beyond that, as I've mentioned before, I can't keep up well with the counting, especially this morning when Olivia insisted on watching me, which involved plenty of conversations. 

"Daddy... Daddy... DADDY!"
"Yes dear?"
"You're exercising."
"Yes, yes I'm exercising."
"Hmmm... was it 50?  I guess... 51, 52, trip, 52, 53, 54, 55,"
"Daddy... Daddy..."

I woke up this morning with a lot of pain in my right leg, both the hip and the knee, so that was a little disconcerting.  I've noticed a little tweak now and then lately, but this was to the point that I didn't want to walk for a few minutes until it worked out.  It's not too noticable at the moment.  I figure it's associated with the jumps - I was on a stone patio in Disney World, but I've gone back to my deck and now added an exercise mat for more padding.

To add to all the excitement Susan and I are beginning a process of trying to sell our house.  We'll start moving the 'clutter' furniture out as early as this weekend and hopefully have some friends / family up next weekend to do some repair / touch-up work.  It's a bittersweet process... I really, really like this house and neighborhood, so letting go is going to be tough.  It's the 'right' thing to do, though, as the schools are pretty miserable, safety can be questionable at times and I'm really tired of on-street parking.

So... sorry for the disjointed bitch-fest, but I thought I'd be sure to share.  I am feeling pretty good about my physical shape at the moment and as soon as I can breath, I plan on a photo session to demonstrate.


  1. We all need a bitch-fest now and again, I was tripping all over the place in my skipping today, but I got through it! Keep it up!

  2. We have all had those days or weeks, bitch away and get it out!
    Moving is tough at the best of times. we just moved ten months ago and we are still settling in - everything takes longer with kids.

  3. Yes, definitely use this blog to vent! I know you'll get into your groove soon enough, but it's hard coming back from vacation and finding your system! De-cluttering your house is going to be cathartic!!

  4. Blog it out! The aches and pains will come and go as your creaky muscles shore themselves up.

  5. As a perk, I am enjoying your physical shape. Maybe more than you are. ;D

  6. I wish this was Facebook, so I could "Like" Susan's comment.
