Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Established in Japan

I'm pretty much settled into the hotel at this point, having completed a workout here and slept a night.  At this point I'm about to head down for the breakfast buffet in the hotel to try and work out my latest version of the diet.  It shouldn't be terrible, I hope, given my portion sizes that are still embarrassingly larger than most everyone elses.  After breakfast should be a short Skype chat with Susan & Olivia (I had expected it to be now, but we mixed things up when I said "tomorrow"... meaning tomorrow in Japan) and then out to the grocery store around the corner to see what I can grab.

After that I'll spend some time wandering around Roppongi or perhaps jump on the subway to see what trouble I can get into.  We'll meet up with our host around noon for some more wandering in concert with discussion work stuff.

Wish me luck on my 2 hours of Japanese language lessons. :)

For those that are local, I've got a local cell number.  I won't post it on the internet for the world to see, but you can email me (it's just PCIan, if you know what I mean) and I'll pass it back to you.  Can't wait to see everyone!  Oh yeah, I'm planning on hitting Yokohama this evening for the Zazen if anyone wants to join me.


  1. Yessir, your portions are indeed astronomical, but it sounds like Japanese breakfast has plenty of PCP ready food. Enjoy the language lessons, enjoy the zazen

  2. Japan sounds like an amazing place, make sure to tell us all the stories!
